Committees and Officers & Councilors Nominations Portal

GSA Committees with Open Positions


 GSA International Committee 






 Member-at-Large, North America 


 4 year 
 7/1/2025 - 6/30/2029 


 Member-at-Large, outside North America 


 4 year 
 7/1/2025 - 6/30/2029 

Committee Charge:

This committee serves as GSA’s coordination and communication resource seeking to promote, create, and enhance opportunities for international cooperation related to the scientific, educational, and outreach missions shared by GSA and like-minded professional societies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Build collaborative relationships with Divisions and Associated Societies in international issues and serve as channel for member generated proposals for international themes.

Committee Requirements:

No special requirements

Meetings and Time Commitment:

Meets at the Annual Meeting.Communicates by phone and/or electronically.

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